


  1. 1963, The Lele of Kasai, London/Ibadan/Accra: Oxford University Press for International African Institute.
  2. 1966, Purity and Danger. An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo, London: RouLdedge and Kegan Paul.(=1972 塚本利明訳 『汚穢と禁忌』 思潮社.)
  3. 1970, Natural Symbols. Explanations in Cosmology, London: Barrie and Rockliff/Cresset Press. (=1983 江河徹ほか訳 『身体としての象徴 コスモロジーの探求』 紀伊国屋書店.)
  4. 1973, Natural Symbols. Explanations in Cosmology 2nd edn, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  5. 1980, Evans-Prichard, Glasgow: Fontana.
  6. 1985, Risk Acceptability According to the Social Sciences, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  7. 1986, How Institutions Think, Syracuse NY: Syracuse University Press.
  8. 1993, In the Wilderness: the Doctrine of Defilement in the Book of Numbers, Sheffield: Journal for the Study Of the Old Testament, supplement Series no. l58, Sheffield Academic Press.
  9. 1999, Leviticus as literature, London : Oxford University Press.


  1. (and Baron Isherwood), 1978, The World of Goods. Towards an Anthropology of Consumption, New York: Basic Books. (=1984 浅田彰、佐和隆光訳 『儀礼としての消費 財と消費の経済人類学』 新曜社.)
  2. (and Aaron Wildavsky), 1982, Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Danger, Berkeley/London: University of California Press.
  3. (with Steven Ney), 1998, Missing Persons, a Critique of Personhood in the Social Sciences, Berkeley: University of California Press.


  1. 1975, Implicit Meanings. Essays in Anthropology, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  2. 1982, In the Active Voice, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul with Russell Sage Foundation.
  3. 1992, Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory, London/New York: Routledge.
  4. 1992, Objects and Objections, Monograph Series of Toronto Semiotic Circle no.9, Toronto: Victoria College, University of Toronto.
  5. 1996, Thought Style, Critical Essays on Good Taste, London/New York: Sage.
  6. 1999, Implicit Meanings. Selected Essays in Anthropology, London/New York: Routledge.


  1. 1964, Man in Society: Patterns of Human Organization, London: Macdonald.
  2. 1970, Witchcraft Accusations and Confessions, Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, King’s College, Cambridge, 3-6 April l968, monograph 9, London: Tavistock Publications.
  3. 1973, Rules and Meanings. The Anthropology of Everyday Knowledge, Harmondsworth/Baltimore: Penguin.
  4. 1982, Essays in the Sociology of Perception, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul with Russell Sage Foundation.
  5. 1984 Food in the Social Order. Studies of Food and Festivities in Three American Communities, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  6. 1987 Constructive Drinkings: Perspectives from Anthropology, Cambridge: University Press.


  1. (and Phyllis Kaberry), 1969, Man in Africa, London: Tavistock Publications.
  2. (and Steven M. Tipton), 1983, Religion and America: Spiritual Life in a Secular Age, Boston: Beacon Press.
  3. (and David Hun), 1992, How Classification Works: Nelson Goodman among the Social Sciences, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
