



  1. ‘A form of polyandry among the Lele of Kasai ,Africa 2l(1): 1-l2.
  2. ‘A further note on funeral frinedship,’ Africa 2l(1): 122-24.


  1. ‘Alternate generations among the Lele of Kasai, Africa 22(1): 59-65.
  2. Review of Elizabeth Colson and Max Gluckman (eds) Seven Tribes of British Central Africa 22(1): 81-88.
  3. Review of Monica Wilson Good Company: a Study of Nkakusa Age Villages, Africa 22(3): 282-83.


  1. A Study of the Social Organization of Lele of Kasai, DPhil thesis, University of Oxford.


  1. ‘Native treatment of leprosy in the Belgian Congo’, Medical Press, l7 March: 25l-52.
  2. ‘The Lele of Kasai’, in Daryll Forde (ed.) African Worlds. Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples, London: Oxford University Press for International African Institute.
  3. Review Of Max Gluckman Rituals of Rebellion in South-East Africa (Frazer Lecture, l952), Man LIV, no. l43: 96.


  1. ‘Social and religious symbolism of the Lele of Kasai’, Zaire 9(4): 385-402 (1 photo), reprinted in Y Cohen (ed.) l974 Man in Adaptation, VOl. II, 2nd edn, Chicago: Aldine. (IM)
  2. ‘The environment of the Lele’, Zaire 9(8): 802-23. (7 photos)
  3. ‘The Devil in Africa’, Contemporary Review 187: 338-42.
  4. Review of G.W.B. Huntingford Ethnographic Survey of Africa: East Central Africa. Part VIII: The Southern NIlo-Homites, and P.T.W. Baxter and Audrey Butt East Central Africa. Part IX: The Azande and Related Peoples of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Belgian Congo, Man LV, no. 93: 77.
  5. Review Of Mary Smith Baba of Karo: a Woman of the Muslim Hausa, Africa 25(2): 195-97.


  1. (and Daryll Forde) ‘Primitive economics’, in Harry Shapiro (ed.) Man, Culture and Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Review of MgrJ. Cuvelier and L.Jadin (eds) L’ancienn Congo d’apres les archives romanies (1518-1640), Africa 26(1): 84-86.


  1. ‘The pattern of residence among the Lele’, Zaire 11(8): 819-43, reprinted in S. and P. Ottenberg (eds) l960 Cultures and Societies of Africa, New York: Random House.
  2. Review of M.I. Finley The World of Odysseus, Man LVII, no. 12: l3-14.
  3. Review of J. Clyde Mitchell The Yao Village. A Study of the Social Structure of a Nyasaland Tribe, Africa 27(3): 290-92.


  1. ‘Raffia cloth distribution in the Lele economy’, Africa 28(2): 109-22, reprinted in George Dalton (ed.) l967 Tribal and Peasant Economies , New York: Natural History Press.(ITAV selectively as section of ‘Money’)
  2. Review of Marcel Griaule Methode l’ethnographie, Africa 28(4): 374-75.


  1. ‘Age-status among the Lele’, Zaire l3(4): 386-413.
  2. ‘The Lele’, in Adrian Hastings (ed.) The Church and the Nations, London: Sheed and Ward.
  3. Review of William Watson Tribal Cohesion in a Money Economy, Man LIX, no. 270: 168.
  4. ‘The spirit of contradiction’, review of VW. Turner Schism and Continuity in an Africa Society, Zaire 13(3): 295-300.



  1. ‘Blood debts and clientship among the Lele’, Journal of Royal Anthroporogical Institute 90(1): 1-28.
  2. Review of Robert Briffault The Mothers, Audrey Ricahrds Chisungu, British Journal of Sociology 11: 39l-92.
  3. Review of Ruth Slade The Belgian Congo: Some Recent Changes, Man LX, no. 220: 175.
  4. Review of Elizabeth Colson Marriage and the Family among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, Africa 30(2): 196-97.
  5. Review of Luc de Heusch Essai sur le symbolisme de l’inceste royal en Afrique, African Affairs 59, no.234: 63-64.


  1. (and Daniel Biebuyck) Congo Tribes and Parties, (Preface by A.I. Richards),London: Royal Anthropological Institute, Pamphlets, no. 1.
  2. Review of Jacques Binet Le mariage en Afrique noireAfrica 31(1): 93-94.
  3. Review of Elizabeth Marshall 31 (1): l95-96.
  4. Review of Paul Bohannan (ed.) African Homicide and Suicide, African Affairs 59, no.239: l96-98.


  1. ‘Lele economy compared with the Bushong: a study of economic backward-
    ness’, in P. Bohannan and G. Dalton (eds) Markets in Africa, Evanston IL: Northwestern University Press. [ITAV]
  2. Review of I.G. Cunnison The Luapula Peoples of Northern Rhodesia: Custom and History in Tribal Politics, Africa 32(3): 297-98.
  3. Review of W.P.F. Burton Luba Religion and Magic in Custom and Belief, Africa, 32(4): 409-10.
  4. Review of A.W. Woulfe In the Ngombe Tradition: Continuity and Change in the Congo, Man LXII, no.223: 14l-142.


  1. The Lele of Kasai, London/Ibadan/Accra: Oxford University Press for International African Institute.
  2. ‘Tribal policies for the old’, New Society 25 April: l3-l4.
  3. ‘Techniques of sorcery control in central Africa’, in John Middleton and A.H. Winter (eds) Witchcraft and Sorcery in East Africa, London: Roudedge and Kegan Paul.
  4. Review of Georges Brausch Belgian Administration in the Congo, Man LXIII, no.64: 59.
  5. Review of P.W.J. Ganshof van der Meersch Congo, Mai-Juin 1960: rapport du ministre charge des affairs generales en Afrique, Man LXIII, no. 65: 59.
  6. Review of Alan P. Merriam Congo: Background of Conflict, Man LXIII, no.66: 59-60.
  7. Review of J. van Wing, SJ Etudes bakongo: sociologie-religion et magie, 2nd edn, Man LXIII, no.67: 60.
  8. Review of August Verbeken La revolte des Batetela en 1895: texts inedits, Africa 33(1):77.
  9. Review of Daniel Biebuyck Les Mitamba: systeme de marriages enchaines chez les Babemebe, Africa 33(1): 79-80.
  10. Review of L. de Sousberghe Pactes de sang et pactes d’union dans la mort chez quelques peuplades de Kwango, Africa 33(1): 82.
  11. Review of Matx Gluckman (ed.) Essays on the Ritual of Social Relations, Africa 33(3): 271-72.


  1. (ed.) Man in Society: Patterns of Human Organization, London: Macdonald.
  2. ‘Matriliny and pawnship in central Africa’, Africa 34(4): 301-13.
  3. ‘Taboo’, New Society, l2 March: 24-25.
  4. Review of Pierre Elshout Les Batwa des Ekonda, Africa 34(3): 287.
  5. Review of Bronislaw Stefaniszyn Social and Ritual Life of the Ambo, Africa 34(4): 387-88.


  1. Review of Georges Balandier Sociologie actuelle de l’Afrique noire, 2nd edn, Man LXV, no.46: 58-59.


  1. Purity and Danger. An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo, London: RouLdedge and Kegan Paul.
    (=1972 塚本利明訳 『汚穢と禁忌』 思潮社.)
  2. ‘The contempt of ritual’, New Society, 3l March, 23-24. [ITAV]
  3. ‘population control in primitive groups’, paper presented to Association of British Zoologists’ Annual Meeting, 8 January l966, British Journal of Sociology l7(3): 263-73. [ITAV]
  4. Review of Igor de Garine Les Massa du Cameroun: vie econominique et sociale. Africa 36(1):93.
  5. Review of Jan Vansina Le royaume kuba, Africa 36(1): lO5-107.
  6. ‘Straw men stand and fight’, review of Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Warrior Herdsmen, New Society, l9 May: 28.
  7. ‘Another of the Comedians?’, review of Francis Huxley The Invisibles, New Society, 28 July: l66-67.


  1. ‘Witch beliefs in central Africa’, Africa 37(1): 72-80.
  2. ‘If the Dogon…’, Cahiers d’etudes africaines 28, 7(4): 659-72. [IM]
  3. (with Martha Harris: psychology) ‘The family circle: anthropology’,
    I: ‘Brothers and sisters’, New Society, 15 June: 872-73.
    2: ‘Grandparents’, New Society, 22 June: 917-18.
    3: ‘In-laws’, New Society, 29 June: 950.
    4: ‘Aunts, uncles and cousins’, New Society, 6 July: 10-11.
  4. ‘The meaning of myth with special reference to “La geste d’Asdiwal”, in E.R. Leach (ed.) The Strctural Study of Myth and Totemism, (Association of social Anthropologists, monograph 5), London: Tavistock. [IM]
  5. ‘primitive rationing’, in R. Firth (ed.) Themes in Economic Anthropology,(Association of Social Anthropologists, monograph 6), London: Tavistock.[ITAV]
  6. Review of Paul Einzig Primitive Money in its Ethnological, Historical and Economic Aspects, 2nd edn, Man NS 2(2): 317.
  7. Review of David Aberle The Peyote Religion among the Navaho, Man NS 2(3):482-83.
  8. Review of M. Fortes and G. Dieterlen (eds) African Systems of Thought, Africa 37(3): 352-53.


  1. ‘The relevance of tribal studies’, proc. 1lth Annual Conference or society for Psychosomatic Research, ‘Disorders of sexs and reproduction: psychosomatic aspects’, 10-11 November, Royal College of Physicians, London,Journal of Psychosomatic Research l2(1): 2l-28. [IM ‘Couvade and menstruation’)
  2. ‘The social control of cognition: some factors in joke perception’, Man NS 3(3): 36l-67. [IM ‘Jokes’]
  3. ‘Dogon culture – profane and arcane’,Africa 38(1): l6-25.
  4. ‘Nommo and the fox’, Listener, l2 September, 80: 328-30.
  5. ‘The contempt of ritual’ (St Thomas Day lecture for Dominicans at Blackfriars, Oxford), New Blackfriars, Part 1: June, 49: 475-82; Part 2: July, 49: 528-35.
  6. ‘Pollution’, International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, VOl. 12, New York: Macminan/Free Press. [IM]


  1. (and Phyllis Kaberry) (eds) Man in Africa, London: Tavistock Publications.
  2. ‘Social conditions of enthusiasm for heterodoxy’, in Robert F. Spencer (ed.) Forms of Symbolic Action, proc. l969 Annual Spring Meeting of American Ethnological Society, Seattle: University of Washington Press; reprinted in V.W. Turner (ed.) Symbolic Action, Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  3. ‘Which witch?’, review of Lucy Mair Witchcraft, New Society, 7 August: 222-23.



  1. Natural Symbols. Explanations in Cosmology, London: Barrie and Rockliff/Cresset Press.
    (=1983 江河徹ほか訳 『身体としての象徴 コスモロジーの探求』 紀伊国屋書店.)
  2. (ed.) Witchcraft Accusations and Confessions, Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, King’s College, Cambridge, 3-6 April l968, monograph 9, London: Tavistock Publications.
  3. ‘Heathen darkness, modern piety’, New Society, l2 March: 432-34.
    Reprinted as ‘The myth of primitive religion’, Commonweal, 9 October, 92(2): 414. [IM ‘Heathen Darkness’]
  4. ‘Smothering the differences – Mary Doughs in a samge mind about Levi-Strauss’, Listener, 13 September, 84: 313-14.
  5. ‘Environments at risk’, lecture, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, Times Leterary Supplement, 30 October: l273. [IM]
  6. ‘The healing rite’, review of V.W. Turner The Forest of Symbols and The Drums of Affliction, Man NS 5(2): 302-308. [IM]
  7. Review of Ernest Gellner Saints of the Atlas, Journal of Anthlopologivcal Society of Oxford 1(2): 101.
  8. Review of Harvey Cox The Feast of Fools: a Theologivcal Essay of Festivity and Fantasy, Man NS 5(3): 560.
  9. Review of Claude Meillassoux Anthropologie economique des Gouro de Cote d’Ivoire, Africa 40(1): 87-88.
  10. Review of Peter L. Berger A Rumour of Angels, New Society, 9 April: 610.


  1. ‘Do dogs laugh? A cross-cultural approach to body symbolism’, proc. l4th Annual Conference of Soiety for Psychosomatic Research on ‘Psychosomatic disorders of voluntary movement’, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 15: 387-90. [IM]
  2. ‘In the nature of things (on man and his place in nature)’, New Society, 9 December, 480: 1133-38. (Excerpt from Inaugural Lecture, University College London, November 1971; IM full version)
  3. ‘Schon’s Utopia’, Listener, 3 June, 85: 710-11.
  4. Review of Richard M. Titmuss The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, Man NS 6(3): 499-500.
  5. Review of Isaac Schapera Rainmaking Rites of the Tswana Tribes, Man NS 6(4): 712.


  1. ‘Introduction’ to English pbk edn (trams. M. Sainsbury) of Louis Dumont Homo Hierarchicus, St Albans: Paladin.[IM ‘Louis Dumont’s structural analysis’]
  2. ‘Deciphering a meal’, Daedalus, Winter, Special issue on Myth, Symbol and Culture: 68-81. [IM]
  3. ‘Self-evidence’, Henry Myers Lecture of Royal Anthropological Institute, Proc. Royal Anthropological Institute, l972-73: 27-44.[IM]
  4. ‘Symbolic orders in the use of domestic space’, in P.J. Ucko, R. Tringham and G.W. Dimbleby (eds) Man, Settlement and Urbanism, proc. Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects meeting, Institute of Archaeology, London University, 1970, London: Duckworth.
  5. ‘Humans speak’, review of Basil Bernstein Class, Codes and Control, vol. 1, Listener, 9 March, 87: 2241. [IM]


  1. Natural Symbols 2nd edn, Harmondsworth: Penguin.(see l970a)
  2. (ed.) Rules and Meanings. The Anthropology of Everyday Knowledge, Harmondsworth/Baltimore: Penguin.
  3. ‘Torn between two realities’, Times Higher Education Supplement, l5 June.[IM ‘The authenticity of Castaneda’]
  4. ‘The exclusion of economics’, Times Literary Spplement, special issue on ‘The state of anthropology’, 6 July: 781-82.[ITAV]
  5. ‘Food as a system of communication’, report to Department of Health and Social Security, November. [ITAV]
  6. ‘The Tablet Notebook: E. Evans-Pritchard’, Tablet, 20 October: 999.
  7. ‘Critique and commentary’, addendum to Jacob Neusner The Idea of Purity: The Haskell Lectures, 1972-73. Studies in Judaism in the late antiquity from the first to the seventh century 1, Leiden: Brill.
  8. ‘Breaking boundaries’, (anonymous) review of Robin Horton and Ruth Finnegan (eds) Modes of Thought: Essays on Thinking in Western and Non-Western Societies, Times Literary Supplement, 14 September.
  9. Review of Luc de Heusch Le roi ivre ou l’origine de l’etat, Man NS 8(3): 495-96.
  10. Review of P.H. Gulliver Neighbours and Networks, Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies 36(3): 733-35.


  1. (and Michael Nicod) ‘Taking the biscuit: the structure of British meals’, New Society, l9 December, 637: 744-47.
  2. ‘Food as an art form’, lecture, Royal Anthropological Institute, London, 30 May, Studio International, September, 188: 83-88. [ITAV]
  3. ‘Lying and deceit, conference report’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 8 March; reprinted in Rain, May-June, 2: I-2.


  1. Implicit Meanings. Essays in Anthropology, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  2. ‘In the nature of things’, inaugural lecture, University College London, l971.[First complete publication in IM]
  3. ‘The sociology of bread’ (with discussion), in Arnold Spicer (ed.) Breed: Social, Nutritional and Agricultural Aspects of Wheaten Bread, London: Applied Science Publishers.
  4. (and James Douglas) ‘English translation of “The Introduction to Les Nuer” by Louis Dumont’, in J.H.M. Beattie and R.G. Lienhardt (eds) Studies in Social Anthropology: Essays in Memory of E.E. Evans-Prichard, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  5. ‘The self-completing animal’, review of Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Culture, Times Literary Supplement, 8 August: 886-87.


  1. ‘Relative poverty – relative communication’, in A.H. Halsey (ed.) Traditions of Social Policy: Essays in Honour of Violet Butler, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [ITAV ‘Goods as a system of communication’]


  1. “‘Beans” means “thinks”, Listener, 8 September, 98: 292-93.
  2. ‘O reason not the need!’, Listener, l5 September, 98: 330-31.
  3. ‘The food art exhibition’, catalogue notes, Cambridge Festival, July. [ITAV]
  4. ‘Introduction’, in Jessica Kuper (ed.) The Anthropologist’s Cookbook, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; New York: Universe Books. [ITAV ‘Food is not feed’)


  1. Cultural Bias, Royal Anthropological Institute occasional paper 35, London: RAI.[ITAV]
  2. (and Baron Isherwood) The World of Goods. Towards an Anthropology of Consumption, New York: Basic Books.
    (=1984 浅田彰、佐和隆光訳 『儀礼としての消費 財と消費の経済人類学』 新曜社.)
  3. ‘Judgements on Sir James Frazer’, Daedalus, ‘Generations’, Fall: l5l-64. [ITAV]
  4. ‘Introduction to The Illustrated Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer’, Mary Douglas (general editor), abridged and illustrated by Sabine MacCormick, Garden City: Doubleday/Rainbird.
  5. ‘Culture: structures of gastronomy’, in Annual Report and Call for Research Proposals, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  6. Review of David Bloor Knowledge and Social Imagery, Sociological Review 26(1): l54-57.


  1. ‘Passive voice theories in religious sociology’ (1978 Paul Douglass lecture), Review of Religious Research, Fall 21(1): 51-61. [ITAV]
  2. (and Ravindra S. Khare) ‘International commission on the anthropology of food: statement on its history and current objectives’, Social Science Information 18(6): 903-l3.
  3. ‘Accounting for taste’, Psychology Today 13(2): 44-45, 48 & 5l.
  4. ‘World view and the core’, in S.C. Brown (ed.) Philosophical Disputes in the Social Science, Sussex: Harvester Press/New Jersey: Humanities Press.



  1. Evans-Prichard, Glasgow: Fontana Modern Masters (pbk), Harvester (hbk); Evans-Prichard: His life, Work, Writings, and Ideas, New York: Viking Press
  2. (and Ravindra S. Khare) ‘International commission on the anthropology of food and food problems’, Appetite 1(4): 317-20.
  3. Purity and Danger Revisited’, lecture, Institute of Education, London, l2 May, Times Literary Supplement, 19 September: 1045-46.
  4. ‘Introduction: Maurice Halbwachs (1877-1945)’, in Francis J. Ditter and Vida Y. Ditter (trans.) Maurice Halbwachs Collective Memory, New York: Harper and Row. [ITAV]
  5. Review of Peter Brown The Making of Late Antiquity, Religious Studies Review (April) 6(2): 96-99. [ITAV ‘The debate on the Holy’]


  1. (and Jonathan Gross) ‘Food and culture: measuring the intricacy of rule systems’, Social Science Information 20(1): 1-35.
  2. ‘Nature et purete’, Le debat, Editions Gallimard, March, no.10.
  3. ‘High culture and low’, review of Pierre Bourdieu La distinction: critique sociale du jugement, Times Literary Supplement, l3 February: l63-64. [ITAV ‘Good taste’]
    (=1989 永井ゆかり訳 「趣味のよさ ピエール・ブルデュー「ディスタンクシオン」」 現代思想 89(5).)


  1. In the Active Voice, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul with Russell Sage Foundation.
  2. (and Aaron Wildavsky) Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Danger, Berkeley/London: University of California Press.
  3. (ed. and introductions) Essays in the Sociology of Perception, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul with Russell Sage Foundation.
  4. ‘Introduction’, to US pbk of lst edn of Natural Symbols, New York: Pantheon Books.
  5. ‘The effects of modernization on religious change’, Daedalus, winter, 111: 1-19.
  6. ‘Guest editorial: the future of semiotics’, Semiotica 38(3/4): l97-203.
  7. ‘Viewpoint article: foodstuff’, Times Literary Supplement, 4153, 5 November: 1216.


  1. (and Steven M. Tipton) (eds) Religion and America: Spiritual Life in a Secular Age, Boston: Beacon Press.
  2. ‘Social anthropology in the l980s: a symposium – Asynchrony’, Rain 56: 7-8.
  3. ‘An appreciation of Meyer Fortes’, African Studies Newsletter, Northwestern University, 11 February.
  4. ‘How to make identity problems disappear’, in Anita Jacobson-Widding (ed.) Identity: Personal and Socio-cultural. A Symposium (Acta Universitas Upsaliensis: Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology), Uppsala/Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell; Atlantic Highlands Jersey: Humanities Press.
  5. ‘Perceiving low probability events’, in James Douglas, Mary Douglas and Michael Thompson Social Choice and Cultural Bias, collaborative paper 83-84, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis AQ-2361, Laxenberg, Austria. [RAB ‘Muffled Ears’]
  6. ‘Foreword’, to Howard Kunreuther and Joanne Linnerooth (eds) Risk Analysis and Decision Processes: the Siting of Liquified Energy Gas Facilities in Four Countries, New York: Springer Verlag.
  7. ‘Morality and culture’, review of A. Mayer (ed.) Culture and Modrality; R. Needham Circumstantial Deliveries; P.R. Sanday Female Power and Male Dominance; M. Midgeley Heart and Mind, Ethics 93(4): 786-91.
  8. ‘Little room for the anthropologist’, review of Robert Cassidy Margaret Mead: A Voice for the Century, Nature, April 302: 759-61.
  9. Review of Gillian Feeley-Harnik The Lord’s Table: Eucharist and Passover in Early Christianity, American Ethnologist 10(1): 178-79.


  1. (ed.) Food in the Social Order. Studies of Food and Festivities in Three American Communities, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  2. ‘Comment on Jose Carlos Gomes da Siva “Versants de la pollution”,
    L’Homme, July-December xxiv (3-4): 127-29.
  3. ‘Fundamental issues in food problems’, Current Anthropology 25(4): 498-99.
  4. ‘Obituary of Victor Turner (died l9 December l983)’, Rain 6l: 11.
  5. ‘Betwixt, bothered and bewildered’, review of E.R. Leach and D. Alan Aycock Structualist Interpretation of Biblical Myth, New York Review of Books, 20 December: 43-46.
  6. Review of Elvin Hatch Culture and Morality, Ethics, June 94(3): 51 7-20.


  1. Risk Acceptability According to the Social Sciences, New York: Russell Sage Foundation. (Italian Preface in English as Preface RAB ‘Risk and danger’.)
  2. ‘Pascal’s great wager’ (address to American Academy of Religion, l983), L’Homme 93(xxv)1: l3-20.[RAB ‘Credibility’]
  3. (and Edmund Perry) ‘Anthropology and comparative religion’ (with reply by J. Neusner), Theology Today, January 4l(4): 410-27.
  4. ‘Concealing and exposing’, review of Valerie Steele Fashion and Eroticism, Times Literary Supplement, 4310, 8 November: 1254.
  5. Review of M. Taylor Community, Anarchy and Liberty, Ethics 96(1): l89-l9l.
  6. Review of C. Perrow Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies, Contemporary Socioligy 14(2): 171-73.


  1. How Institutions Think (Frank W. Abrams Lectures, l985), Syracuse NY: Syracuse University Press.
  2. ‘Lita Osmundsen and the Wenner-Grenn foundation: an appreciation’, Current Anthropology 27(5): 521-25.
  3. ‘The social preconditions of radical scepticism’, in Joln Law (ed.) Power, Action and Belief. A New Sociology of Knowledge?, Sociological Review Monograph no.32, London/Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  4. ‘Institutionalized public memory’, in J.F. Short, Jr (ed.) The Social Fablic: Dimensions and Issues, American Sociological Association Presidential Series, New York: Sage Publication.
  5. Review of L.Jayyusi Categorization and the Moral Order, Ethics 96(3): 633-35.
  6. Review of Marvin Harris Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture, Stephen Mennell All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present, Los Angeles Times, 8 April.


  1. Culture as Explanation, Charles Carter lecture, University of Lancaster. (See l989c)
  2. (ed.) Constructive Drinkings: Perspectives from Anthropology, Cambridge: University Press.
  3. ‘Wants’, in John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman (eds) The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, vol.4, Q-Z, BasingStoke/London: Macmillan. [RAB]
  4. ‘The woman-priest problem: a cultural analysis’, in Kristofer Schipper and Anne Marie Blondeau (eds) Essais sur le ritual I, Colloque du centenaire de la section des sciences religieuses de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Section des Sciences Religieuses, vol. xcii: 173-94, Louvain/Paris: Peeters. [RAB ‘The debate on women priests’)
  5. ‘Woman the measure of all things. Yvonne Verdier’s Facons de dire,facons de faire’, Anthropology Today 3(5): 2-4.
  6. ‘The hardware store’, in Catalogue of the Hardware Exhibition at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. [OAO]
  7. ‘A ritual in time’, review of Maurice Bloch From Blessing to Violence, Times Literary Supplement, 4402, l4 Angust: 870a.
  8. Review of L.S. Dubin The History of Beads, from 30,000 BC to the Present, New York Times Book Review, 29 November: l2.


  1. ‘Complexite cultureue: cuisine et societe, Societes, September l9: 6-lO.
  2. ‘Les utilitzacions del perill en el process de la identificacio simbolica’, in Curs 18 Construint identitats: mites i symbols, Bamelona: Fundacio Caixo de Pensions (in Catalan).
  3. ‘Taste’, Faces (Children’s Journal of Metropolitan Museum).
  4. ‘The liturgical veto to assert women’s view’, Catholic Herald, Friday 22 July: 8.
  5. ‘The whites and the yoke’, review of Keith Griffin World Hunger and the World Economy, Times Literary Supplement, 4423, 8 January: 35a.
  6. ‘Where there’s muck: hazardous wastes’, review of Brian Wynne (ed.) Risk Management and Hazardous Waste: Implementation and the Dialectics of Credibility, Times Literary Supplement, 4463, 14 October: 1143a-44.
  7. Review of R.W. Lovin and F.E. Reynolds Cosmology and Ethical Order: New Studies in Comparative Ethics, Ethics 98(2): 407-409.


  1. ‘The Hotel Kwilu – a model of models’ (87th Distinguished Lecture, Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, 20 November 1988,Phoenix, Arizona), American Anthropologist 91 (4): 855-65. [RAB]
  2. ‘The background of the grid dimension: comment on James Spickard’s guide to grid/group theory’, Sociological Analysis 50(1): 171-76.
  3. ‘Institutions of the third kind’, Journal of General Management l4(4): 34-52. [RAB]
  4. ‘A typology of cultures: the example of the biosphere’ (address to congress of German-speaking sociologists, Zurich, October l988), Kultur und Gesellshaft, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag. [RAB ‘A credible biosphere’]
  5. ‘Correttezza delle categorie’, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia XXX(2): 207-38. English: ‘Rightness of categories’, in Mary Douglas and David Hull 1992c.
  6. ‘Culture and collective action’, in Morris Freilich (ed.) The Relevance of Culture, New York: Bergin and Garvey. [RAB ‘The normative debate and the origins of culture’]
  7. ‘The hungry generations’, review of D. Arnold Social Crisis and Historical Change, V. George Wealth, Poverty and Starvation, P. Raikes Modernising Hunger, Times Literary Supplement, 4488, 7 April: 355a-56.
  8. ‘A gentle deconstrucdon’, review of Marilyn Strathern The Gender of the Gift, London Review of Books, 4 May, 11(9): l7-l8.



  1. ‘Risk as a forensic resource’, Daedalus, special issue on ‘Risk’, Fall, ll9(4): 1-16. [RAB ‘Risk and justice’]
  2. ‘The body of the world world’, International Social Science Journal, issue: ‘Tales of cities: the culture and political economy of urban spaces’, XLII(3): 395=99. [OAO]
  3. ‘La connaissance de soi’, La revue de MAUSS 8: 125-36.
  4. (and Marcel Calvez) ‘The self as a risk taker: a cultural theory of contagion in relation to AIDS’, Sociological Review 38(3): 445-64. [RAB]
  5. ‘No free gifts’, foreword to Marcel Mauss (l950) W.D. Halls (trans.) Essay on the Gift, The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies, London: Routledge. [RAB]
  6. ‘The pangolin revisited: a new approach to animal symbolism’, in ROY Willis (ed.) Signifying Animals: Human Meaning in the Natural World, One World Archaeology, vol. l6, London: Unwin Hyman. [TS ‘Anomalous animals and animal metaphors’]
  7. ‘Converging on autonomy: anthropology and institutional economics’, in Oliver E. Williamson (ed.) Organization Theory, form Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond, Oxford: Oxford University Press. [RAB ‘Antonomy and opportunism’]
    (=1994 「自律性への注目 人類学と制度派経済学」 飯野春樹監訳 『現代組織論とバーナード』 文真堂.)
  8. ‘The devil vanishes’, Tablet, 28 April: 513-14.
  9. ‘How to be green’, London Review of Books, 13 September, 12(l7): 8-9.
  10. Review of V.W. Turner and E.M. Bruner (eds) The Anthropology of Experience, American Anthropologist 92(1): 252-54.


  1. ‘Witchcraft and leprosy: two strategies of exclusion’, Man NS 26(4): 723-36. (Originally for MIT conference on ‘Epidemi6: peoples in cultural studies’, October l990.) [RAB ‘Witchcraft and leprosy: two strategies for rejection’]
  2. ‘The idea of a home: a kind of space’, Social Research 58(1): 287-307. [OAO ‘The idea of home’)
  3. ‘My circus fieldwork’, Semiotica 85(3/4): 201-204.
  4. ‘Ralph Bulmer among the master detectives’, in Andrew Pawley (ed.) Man and a Half: Essays in Pacific Anthropology and Ethnography in Honour of Ralph Bulmer, Auckland: Polynesian Society Memoir no.48 [OAO ‘Unnatural kinds’; TS ‘Classified as edible’]
  5. ‘Foreword’ to Robert A. Atkins, Jr Egalitarian Community: Ethnography and Exegesis, Tuscaloosa/London: University of Alabama Press.
  6. ‘Faith, hope and probability’, review of Ian Hacking The Taming of Chance, London Review of Books, 23 May, l3(10): 6-8.
  7. ‘The spatial projection of a social relations’, review of Christina Toren Making Sense of Hierarchy: Cognition as a Social Process in Fiji, Current Anthropology 32(4): 500-501.
  8. Comment on W.E.A. van Beek ‘The Dogon restudied: a field evaluation of the work of Marcel Griaule’, Current Anthropology 32(2): 161-62.


  1. Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory, London/New York: Routledge.
  2. Objects and Objections, Monograph Series of Toronto Semiotic Circle no.9, Toronto: Victoria College, University of Toronto.
  3. (and David Hun) (eds) How Classification Works: Nelson Goodman among the Social Sciences, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  4. ‘El nuevo ascetismo: cultura y medio ambiente’, Revista d’Occidente October, 137: 29-54.
  5. ‘The person in an enterprise culture’, in Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Angus Ross (eds) The Enterprise Culture: Themes in the Work of Mary Douglas, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [RAB ‘Thought style exemplified: the idea of the self’ with slight modifications]
  6. ‘An institutional ecology of values’, in Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Angus Ross (eds) The Enterprise Culture: Themes in the Work of Mary Douglas, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  7. ‘The consumer’s conscience’. [OAO; TS ‘The consumer’s revolt,]
  8. ‘In defense of shopping‘, in Reinhard Eisendle and Elfie Miklautz (eds) Produktkulturen: Dynamik und Bedeutungswandel des Konsums, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag. [OAO; TS ‘On not being seen dead: shopping as protest’].
  9. ‘Hierarchie et voix de femmes (Angleterre-Afrique)’, in Christian Descamps (ed.) Philosophie et anthropologie, Paris, Les seminaries du Centre Georges Pompidou: Espace International, Philosophie.


  1. Ito Hirotaka Online: the Doctrine of Defilement in the Book of Numbers, Sheffield: Journal for the Study Of the Old Testament, supplement Series no. l58, Sheffield Academic Press.
  2. ‘Balaam’s place in the Book of Numbers’ (Huxley Memorial Lecture l992), Man NS 28(3): 4l1-30.
  3. ‘Emotion and culture in theories of justice’, Economy and Society 22(4): 50l-15. (Revised version of ‘Justice sociale et sentiment de justice’ in Joelle Affichard and Jew-Baptiste de Foucauld (eds) l995 Pluralisme et equalite. La justice sociale dans les democraties, Paris: Editions Esprit.)
  4. ‘Governmentability – a question of culture’, Millennium (Journal of International Studies), issue dedicated to Aaron Wildavsky, 22(3): 463-8l. [TS ‘Prospects for asceticism’]
  5. ‘The forbidden animals in Leviticus’, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 59: 3-23.
  6. ‘Atonement in Leviticus’, Jewish Studies Quarterly 1(2): 109-30.
  7. ‘Un point de vue anthropologique’, Dossier et forum, les conventions: reseaux 62:ll7-l9.
  8. ‘A quelles conditions un ascetisme environnementaliste peut-il reussir?’, in Dominique Bourg (ed.) La nature en politique, ou l’enjeu philosophique de l’ecologie, Paris: Association Descartes, L’Harmattan.
  9. ‘Aaron Wildavsky- obituary’, The Times, 24 September: 2l.
  10. ‘The idea of a good pot’, Tate Gallery Conference on Values in Art, 22 October. [TS ‘Bad taste in furnishing’]
  11. ‘Eschewing the fat. Food fadism in the light of global famine’, Times Literary Supplement, 30 July, 47 13: 3a-4.
  12. Review of Jan Vansina Paths in the Rainforest, Anthropos 88(4/6): 625-27.
  13. Review of K.S. Shrader-Frechette Risk and Rationality, American Political Science Review 87(2): 485.
  14. Review of Yves Bonnefoy Mythologies, History of Religions 32(4): 374-76.
  15. ‘Hunting the pango1in’, comment on I.M. Lewis ‘The spider and the pangolin’, Man NS 28(l): l6l-65.


  1. ‘The glorious Book of Numbers’,Jewish Studies Quarterly 1(3): l93-216.
  2. ‘Holy joy: rereading Leviticus; the anthropologist and the believer’, Conservative Judaism, Spring XLVI (3): 3-l4. [TS ‘The cosmic joke’)
  3. ‘The stranger in the Bible’, Archives europeennes de sociologie 35(2): 283-98.
  4. ‘Godfrey Lienhardt – obituary’, Anthropology Today 10(1): l5-l7.
  5. ‘The depoliticization of risk’ (English and Italian versions), Teoria Sociologica II(4): l3-3l & 32-48. English version reprinted in Richard J. Ellis and Michael Thompson (eds) (l997) Culture Matters: Essays in Honor of Aaron Wildavsky: Boulder CO/Oxford: Westview Press.
  6. ‘The language of emotions in the social sciences’, Paul Anand (ed.) special issue The Foundations of Economics, Greek Economic Review 17(2): l67-76.
  7. ‘The genuine object’, in Stephen Harold Riggins (ed.) The Socialness of Things, The Hague: Mouton de Gruyer. [OAO ‘The genuine article: the socio-semiotics of things’)
  8. ‘The construction of the physician: a cultural approach to medical healing’, in S. Budd and U. Sharma (eds) The Healing Bond: the Patient-Practitioner Relationship and Therapeutic Responsibility, London: Routledge. [TS ‘The choice between gross and spiritual: some medical preferences’)
  9. Review of H. Eilbergschwartz The Savage in Judaism: an Anthropology of Israelite Religion and Ancient Judaism, Religion 24(4): 384-86.
  10. ‘Hunting the pangoh’, reply to R.F. Ellen, Man NS 29(1): l82.
  11. ‘”But why do we have to use this American language?” An interview with Mary Douglas’, European Association of Social Anthropologists Newsletter 13: 4-5.
  12. ‘Conversazione con Mary Douglas tra antropologia suiale, filosofia e studi biblici’, with Andrea Borsari, Ossimori 7: 124-33.


  1. ‘Red Riding Hood: an interpretation from anthropology’ (13th Katherine Briggs Memorial Lecture, November 1994), Folklore l06: 1-7. [TS ‘The uses of vulgarity: a French reading of Little Red Riding Hood’]
  2. ‘The cloud God, and the shadow self’, Social Anthropology 3(2): 83-94.
  3. ‘Acceptance’ (Bernal Prize), Science, Techinology and Human Values 20(2): 262-66.
  4. ‘The gender of the beloved’, Heythrop Journal (special issue for Robert Murray on his 70th birthday), Thomas Deidun (ed.) 36(4): 397-408.
  5. ‘Reflexions sur Le Renard Pale et deux anthropologies: a propos du surrealisme et de l’anthroologie francaise’, in C.W. Thompson (ed.) L’autre et le sacre: surrealisme, cinema, ethnologie, Paris: L’Harmattan.
  6. ‘Poetic structure of Leviticus’, in David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz (eds) Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, nad Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, Winona Lake IN: Eisenbrauns.
  7. ‘Demonology in William Robertson Smith’s theory of religious belief’, in William Johnstone (ed.) Robertson Smith: Essays in Reassessment, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series no. l89, Sheffield Academic Press.
  8. ‘Forgotten knowledge’, in Marilyn Strathern (ed.) Shifting Contexts (ASA Decennial Conference Series, The Uses of Knowledge: Local and Global Contexts), London: Routledge.
  9. ‘To honour the dead’, in Geoff Dench, Tony Flower and Kate Gavron (eds) Young at Eighty: the Prolific Public Life of Micheal Young, London: Carcanet.
  10. ‘Table matters’, review of Leon R. Kass The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfection of Our Nature, Commonweal, 10 March: 22-23.


  1. Thouqht Style, Critical Essays on Good Taste, London/New York: Sage.
  2. ‘Introduction’ to new edition of Natural Symbols.
  3. ‘Introduction’ to new edidon of The World of Goods.
  4. ‘Intmduction’ and ‘A response from Mary Douglas’, Review Colloquium on Mary Douglas (l993) Ito Hirotaka Online, Religion 26(1): 69-71, 8l-89.
  5. ‘Sacraments and society: an anthropologist asks, what women could be doing in the church’, Proc. l995 Catholic Theological Association, Leeds, New Blackfriars, January 77(899): 28-39.
  6. ‘Sacred contagion’, in John F.A. Sawyer (ed.) Reading Leviticus: A Conversation with Mary Douglas, Scheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series no. 227, Sheffield Academic Press: 86-lO6.
  7. ‘Children consumed and child cannibalism: Robertson Smith’s attack on the science of mythology’, in Laurie L. Patton and Wendy Doniger (eds) Myth and Method, Charlottesville/London: University Press of Virginia.
  8. ‘Losses and gains’, in J.B. Schneewind (ed.) Giving: Western Ideas of Philanthropy, Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  9. ‘Istituzioni: 2. Problemi teorici’, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze Sociali, vol.5, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Fondata da Giovanni Treccani.
  10. Review Of Emile Durkheim The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Hans. Karen Fields Contemporary Sociology 25(4): 467-69.
  11. Review of Howard Margolis Dealing with Risk: Why the Public and the Experts Disagree on Environment Issues, Journal of Public Policy l6(4): 355-57.


  1. ‘A course off the menu’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 22 August, l294: l8-l9.
  2. ‘Taboo and sin’, in John Middleton (ed.) Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara, vol.4, New York: Charles Scribner.
  3. (with Des Gasper, Steven Ney and Michael Thompson) (eds) ‘Human needs and wants’, in Steve Rayner and Elizabeth L. Malone (eds) Human Choice and Climate Change. Vol.1: The Societal Framework, Columbus Ohio: Battelle Press.
  4. Review of Caroline Walker Bynum Resurrection of the Body in Western Christendom, 200-1336, Commonweal, 14 February: 23-25.


  1. (with Steven Ney) Missing Persons, a Critique of Personhood in the Social Sciences, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  2. ‘Two books on God’, reviews of Jack Miles GOD: a Biography and Richard E. Friedman Disappearance of God: a Divine Mystery, Religion 28: 65-69.
